Antworten - ܦܘܢܝܐ - Funoye

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Jonni2013-11-15 21:38:24
was heisst: bahn
Isa2013-11-16 13:37:45
ܫܒܝܠܐ , ܐܘܪܚܐ _ shbilo , urho
Kumar2014-01-10 09:17:43
I’m participating in Jessica Fisher aka Fish Mama’s Booking It club this year and had searhd my list of reading material for 2011 While most of the book club would be reading The Happiness Project, I’ve been reading
Serpil2014-01-11 17:25:45
year, I’m participating in FishMama’s Booking It, an<a href="http: //reijzww com"> olnnie</a> reading club Last month, I’d shared the list of books, I plan on reading this year While it was my intention to start with the book club’s selection
Krystalyn2014-03-04 09:51:01
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ܟܝ ܛܚ ܙܘ ܗܕ ܓܒ ܐ
ܬܫ ܪܩ ܨܦ ܥܣ ܢܡ ܠ
ܰܳ ܶܺ ܽܬ̣ ܦ̣ܓ̣ ܟ݂̈ ̱݂