Antworten - ܦܘܢܝܐ - Funoye

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kezia2016-03-27 17:24:11
Was heißt:matina
jonny2016-03-27 17:38:47
Beschreibung: matina= wir sind angekommen
Sagar2016-10-11 11:23:06
Beschreibung: It’s no David and Goliath situation. Iran is supporting the Palestinians at the expense of Iranians much like the US is sacrificing its own interests and good name by supporting Israel against their own interest. Palestinians aren’t smarter, tougher or more advanced than Uyghurs or Chechens. They just have an inneotatirnal fan club.
jordamn2023-11-03 16:24:07
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Aramäisch: In the ER negative MDA MB 231 cells, none of the treatments resulted in an observable reexpression of ERО± that could have potentially restored tamoxifen sensitivity, thereby providing further support for an ER independent mechanism of OSU 03012 induced tamoxifen sensitization in ER negative cells cheapest cialis available
Transkription: In the ER negative MDA MB 231 cells, none of the treatments resulted in an observable reexpression of ERО± that could have potentially restored tamoxifen sensitivity, thereby providing further support for an ER independent mechanism of OSU 03012 induced tamoxifen sensitization in ER negative cells cheapest cialis available

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ܬܫ ܪܩ ܨܦ ܥܣ ܢܡ ܠ
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