Antworten - ܦܘܢܝܐ - Funoye

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Martina2016-09-03 13:31:05
Neshro2016-09-05 08:59:09
Beschreibung: Shlomo oder Sheyno. Tipp: Erst die Suche verwenden, wenn das Wort nicht auffindbar ist dann im Forum fragen
Lesa2017-02-05 06:03:45
Beschreibung: "Do blogs have the potential to democratise sutIacbivity?jnsteed of a Creative Director being the absolutist authority on the subject, do blogs invite the prospect of interested public opinion seizing the authority to say "this is a good idea and this is a bad idea".Will the web do for creative directors what the printing press did for the ancien regime?"Come on Scamp, let's do this one.You first.

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ܟܝ ܛܚ ܙܘ ܗܕ ܓܒ ܐ
ܬܫ ܪܩ ܨܦ ܥܣ ܢܡ ܠ
ܰܳ ܶܺ ܽܬ̣ ܦ̣ܓ̣ ܟ݂̈ ̱݂