Antworten - ܦܘܢܝܐ - Funoye

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Pit2013-12-28 13:17:25
Bitte der Familienname: Griğo ..Taudi
Suryoyo2014-01-01 13:22:31
Krysta2014-01-09 23:26:25
Tayler wfcrde ich als Variante von Taylor = Schneider werten, nicht als Variante von Tyler ( es sei denn, Deutsche sprheecn Tayler u Tyler gleich aus und verwenden das eine als Variante des anderen; im englischen Sprachraum ist die Aussprache von Tyler u Tayler ganz unterschiedlich)
Sigmund2014-01-11 04:08:37
Emily Beale Photography - Thanks Linda yes he did feel so involved! The<a href="http: //gkztzzlnmzq com"> tipord</a> worked really well too when his arms got tired, he could take a rest, but still carry on, plus it made him feel so important having the right equipment He was able to take pictures during the weekly practices, so was included in those too And his pictures will go on display so his achievements will be celebrated too! All round a massive success!

ĉ ğ ĥ ŝ ț đ ç
ܟܝ ܛܚ ܙܘ ܗܕ ܓܒ ܐ
ܬܫ ܪܩ ܨܦ ܥܣ ܢܡ ܠ
ܰܳ ܶܺ ܽܬ̣ ܦ̣ܓ̣ ܟ݂̈ ̱݂